ICAS assessment Food Technologist

ICAS transcript assessment for Food Technologist for migrating to Canada

ICAS requires a Transcript for assessment to evaluate your food technologist background. Therefore ICAS Transcript plays a role in your Canada Migration to get a job as Food Technologist.

If you are dreaming of a career in Canada as a Food Technologist; educational credential assessment (ECA) is an important process. ECA is a step which evaluates your food technology credentials and educational background. the Minister of Immigration designates ICAS (International Credential Assessment Service of Canada) as an agency. They provide educational credential assessment services to individuals applying for immigration to Canada.

ICAS evaluates your education in food technology or food science and compares it with standards in Canada. This point or profile can be used in searching for jobs or higher studies in Canada.

Validity – 5 years

Procedure of ICAS

  • Complete and make a login into ICAS Canada to start your evaluation.
  • The login confirmation mail consists of :
  1. Your ICAS File Number.
  2. A Document Submission Form.
  3. An Official Records Request Form.
  • Complete the Document Submission Form.
  • Photocopies of the educational documents which includes university degree and mark sheets.
  • Meanwhile, send the official records request form to the educational institutions you have studied. Request them for evaluation and send the transcripts (attested educational degree and mark sheet certificates) directly to the ICAS Office.
  • In fact, the university or college must send it to ICAS directly via mail or courier accordingly.
  • Note: Your college or University should be approved by ICAS. Also, transcripts or your educational attestation should be directly sent by the institution. An institution is one that has provided you with your degree.

Degree in Food Technology and Canada assessment


During your process of immigration to Canada; educational credential points are significant to get into the pool of selection. Points are important criteria to get your entry to the country.

Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Food Technology or allied subjects give addon points. In fact, ICAS must approve and finally assess degrees in Food science and technology in favour.

Transcript from Autonomous College

If Food Technology is awarded from an autonomous College; please note an important step towards ICAS evaluation.

Transcripts must be provided from the institution that awarded the degree; mark sheets from the specified institution and the degree certificate from the University specified.

Read more:  Job for a fresher in food science

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