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Certifications for Food Safety Inspector

Certifications and Training important for Food Safety Inspector

Food Safety Inspector or Food and Safety Officer(FSO) requires Certifications, training or Courses to move forward with their very important career. Besides being graduates and professionals in Food safety and technology, the Industry always looks forward to customized experts in specific areas of Food science and quality Control. Therefore Food Safety Inspector officers must have important training and Certifications.

Top 5 Certifications for Food Safety Inspector

Here is the list of necessary Food Safety Inspector certifications required to upgrade and survive in a Food Manufacturing Industry or a Restaurant:

1. ISO 22000: 2008 Internal Auditor Training

Internal auditing is an important task for a Food Safety Inspector -Officer. Therefore training in ISO 22000: 2008 helps with the best internal auditing. To detect any non-conformance in food processing as per the FSMS; an Internal Audit of your Food Safety plan is important.

2. Understanding FSSC 22000

Enhance the career in food safety with the basics of FSSC 22000. Namely, this is an entry-level certification for a Food Safety Inspector. This outlines the flow in the food safety management system (FSMS).

3. BRCGS Global Standard For Food Safety Issue 9 Internal Auditor (UK manufacturers)

As the name suggests this is a global and renowned Food Safety Management system (BRCGS ). Specifically prevails in UK and EU food and retail sectors. A BRCGS Food Safety Consultant is a promising certification for any Food Safety Inspection.

Therefore before working in a BRC-certified industry, the above certification helps you in the long run of your career.

4. HACCP Implementing – Training

In fact, a standard food industry works on the basic 7 principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point.) Knowledge of critical control points(CCP) is a must for a Food Inspection for Food Safety Inspector. Therefore food industry specialists especially safety and quality professionals should be trained in HACCP.

On the whole, HACCP management has several levels. Hence you can level up according to the experience.

If you are a fresher in the food industry, start with HACCP level 1. This consists of the basics of HACCP and its principles.

Levels in HACCP training

5. Advanced Hygiene management in the Catering and Food Processing Industry

Food hygiene is the most important parameter in every food industry. Every food safety law is built on the foundation of Good Hygiene Practices ( GHP, GMP). In fact, they must be the certification for a food safety Inspector to begin and to flourish in the food and catering industry.

More for Food Safety Officer…

Likewise if interested in upgrading your career in food safety definitely go for the below courses :

  1. TACCP and VACCP Awareness Course (Level up according to experience)
  2. Food Safety Officer Certificate (India)- FOSTAC
  3. Supplier Risk Assessment
  4. Allergen Management

Benefits of addon food safety courses

Attending Food Science-related short-term courses will be an added advantage. It gains knowledge and proves our metal in specific areas of Food Safety and Food Science field.

  • Develop a food safety plan, and an auditing mindset.
  • Identify and control all the hazards and allergens in your food process.
  • Continuous and confident improvements in the area.
  • Food Certifications are an important highlight in Job advertisements and of course in a Curriculum Vitae

Develop a food safety plan, an auditing mindset.
Identify and control all the hazards and allergens in your food process.
Continuous and confident improvements in the area.
Food Certifications are an important highlight in Job advertisements and of course in an Curriculum Vitae

Importance of certifications

Best Food Safety Certification Organizations

Food Safety courses are backed by certifications issued by the following organizations:

Why are certifications important for Food Safety Professionals?

The certifications are accepted worldwide and consist of various levels. So levels can be decided by the individual’s ability and experience in the Food Industry.

So to evolve with the change is an important aspect to the personnel working inside and to the aspirants of the Food industry. Therefore Food Safety Officers must be well equipped with add-on certificates.

Each certification achieved will be a highlight to stand out in the area of expertise. It’s a revolving fact that certifications are significant along with a University degree. The food industry is an ever-changing sector in the marketplace from technology to the type of food manufacturing.

Meera Jacob
Author: Meera Jacob

A Food Safety Officer and Food Technologist in nature. Auditing and observing food safety systems is a prior interest. Writing and describing my experience is another passion. The food Industry is a diverse area with food safety as its prime focus to flourish. And that makes me more enthusiastic to work on various Non-Conformances and Risk Analysis. Happy Food Safetying to all Food Safety Professionals !!!

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