training food technology internship

Training for a Career in Food Technology? Find an Internship in Food Industry

Are you considering a career in food technology and wondering how to find an internship in the food industry? Pursuing an internship in the food industry can be an excellent way to gain valuable training and experience. This blog post will provide tips and advice on how to search for and secure an internship in the food industry.

Research the field of food technology

Are you interested in breaking into the food industry? A career in food technology can be rewarding and fulfilling. Before you start applying for internships, however, it’s important to get a thorough understanding of the field. This will help you make informed decisions about your future and demonstrate your knowledge to employers.

Choose a type of food company you're interested in


When seeking an internship in the food industry, it’s important to narrow down what type of food company you would like to work with. The food industry is a diverse field, ranging from large manufacturers to small local establishments. Consider what type of on-the-job training you are looking for and the particular skills you would like to gain.

Are you looking for experience with a large-scale operation, or do you want to learn more about the day-to-day operations of a local restaurant? Your choice will depend on your goals and interests, but be sure to do your research and understand the responsibilities associated with each type of food industry job before making a decision. No matter what type of food industry company you choose, the experience you gain can be invaluable to your food technology training.

Prepare your resume and cover letter

When it comes to applying for an internship in the food industry, having a well-crafted resume and cover letter is essential. It’s important to take your time to research the company and position you are applying for and tailor your resume and cover letter accordingly.

Highlight any skills you have that would be of value to the company, such as food technology training or on-the-job training experience. Taking the time to make sure that your application materials are tailored to the job will increase your chances of securing an internship.

Search for internships online

Start by searching online for internships in food technology or related fields. You can search on job boards and other career websites, or even directly on the websites of companies you are interested in. Most companies post open internships on their websites, so be sure to check them out.
You can also use social media to connect with professionals in the food industry and ask them about available internships.

Network with professionals in the field

Whether it’s an industry mentor, a professor at a college or university, or professionals in the food industry, these connections can provide insight into job opportunities, as well as information about food technology training and on-the-job training programs that may be available.

To get started, research organizations and companies in the food industry, reach out to contacts through LinkedIn, or contact schools that offer food technology programs. Joining trade organizations such as the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) or attending professional conferences and events can also help you make connections with industry professionals.

This type of networking will help you build relationships with individuals who have experience and knowledge in the food industry, which could potentially lead to an internship or other career opportunities.

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1 thought on “Training for a Career in Food Technology? Find an Internship in Food Industry”

  1. A área de “Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos” é bastante promissora, pois é bem sabido que com ao longo do tempo, os nossos “Hábitos Alimentares mudaram” e passamos a consumir cada vez mais “alimentos industrializados” e como consequência a “Cadeia Produtiva de Alimentos” tem pela frente enormes entraves e é neste cenário que exige inovação e novas alternativas de produção, processamento ou fabricação, embalagem, rotulagem, armazenamento/conservação, gestão, distribuição/comercialização e consumo de alimentos de qualidade, seguro e nutritivos, e é nesta conjuntura que eu actuo como “Cientista e Tecnólogo de Alimentos” desempenhando funções de Gerente de SHEQ e Líder da equipa de Segurança alimentos, sendo responsável por estabelecer, implementar, manter, actualizar e melhorar continuamente o Sistema de Gestão de Qualidade e Segurança de Alimentos da nossa organização, processos necessários e suas intenções, baseando em FSSC 22000 (ISO 22000, ISO/TS 22002-1, e requisitos adicionais (Defesa Alimentar, Fraude Alimentar, Tecnologia de Embalagem, etc.) Certificação de produção orgânica, Hallal, livre de GMO, Kosher, Sedex Smeta, ISO 9001, 19011, 31000, 14001, 17025, 45001, etc. Auditor de aprovação de fornecedores, verificando se o Sistema de Gestão de Qualidade e Segurança de Alimentos da nossa Organização está coerente em uso, conforme com os requisitos de Normas, Regulamentos, Legislações, Evidências Científicas e implementado em prática pelas áreas estratégicas ou operacionais.

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